Boomi Parallel processing

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Boomi Parallel processing

What is Parallel Processing?

Parallel Processing is a way that a single process runs in multiple threads.  Every Boomi process executes as a single thread by default although one can configure the boomi process in a way so that it splits the documents and runs them in parallel.

Using Boomi one can create Real-Time and Batch Integrations. Performance is of very high importance in any integration platform. Boomi helps in enhancing performance by enabling Parallel Processing.

How do you know if your account supports parallel processing?

When you place the flow control shape in your process canvas you will see the following:Boomi Account Setup

If you don’t see Parallel Processing in your account this is a feature that you can purchase by contacting your Boomi support representative.

How to implement Parallel Processing?

In order to implement Parallel Processing, use a shape called as Flow control.Boomi Flow Control

There are 2 types of Parallel Processing:

By Thread: Boomi Process will run in one single JVM by creating Multiple threads.

Example Use Case – 1:

No of Documents: 5000

No of JVM in Atom: 1

No of threads: 5

Boomi will create 5 threads of the same process in one JVM each processing 1000 documents.Boomi Threads

By Process:

Boomi Concurrent Processes

This type of Parallel processing would work only if you have molecules.

Example Use Case – 2:

No of Documents: 5000

No of JVM in Molecule: 4

No of threads: 5

Boomi would create 5 threads in all 4 JVM, thus a total of 20 threads will get created each processing 250 documents.

Parallel Processing depends on how the Boomi Infrastructure is setup i.e., if we are using Atoms, Molecules or Cloud Atom

Parallel Processing in Cloud:

The Number of Threads/Processes field in the flow control is overridden by the Maximum Flow Control Units property. If flow control is by threads, all the parallel processing is done within that execution’s JVM. For flow control by processes, the Boomi cloud will spin up a new JVM for each parallel processing unit per execution that has flow control



Cover Photo by Jason Yuen on Unsplash