Boomi Lookups

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Boomi Lookups

Lookups in Boomi

The simple definition of Lookup is getting one value based on the reference of another value.

In simple words, it’s like an If statement means passing one value and checking the condition or something and getting the referenced value associated with it.

Lookup is the of the key feature required for any integration platform as it will be very useful while doing the transformations.

Boomi offers different types of lookups mentioned below which are part of the functions :

Boomi Lookups

  1. Simple Lookup
  2. Document Cache Lookup
  3. SQL Lookup
  4. Cross Reference Lookup

Simple Lookup:

Simple Lookup is like a table with two columns of data which are called Key and Name where the user needs to pass the input as values of one of the columns then Boomi will give the value of the other column as the output.

It is only recommended for a very small set of data as this is not extensible so any changes/updates to the existing simple lookup data would require re-deployment of the process.

Simple Lookups

Document cache Lookup:

Document cache Lookup is like storing the data in temporary memory. All the data in the document cache will be removed immediately once the process execution gets completed.

Document cache requires an index which is a key to get the other required field values of the same payload.

Document Cache Lookups

To configure this lookup function user needs to first load the data into the cache in the process by using the add-to cache shape.

Here you need to select the same cache on which you want to perform the lookup and choose the index and map the index from the input field which will have the same values. Then you need to add the output field as many as required within that profile by adding them one by one.

SQL Lookup:

SQL lookup is another type of lookup that will help us to fetch the data from the database table by passing the standard queries/Stored Procedures.

Creation of a database connection is mandatory and please remember this will also count/consume as 1 license.

SQL Lookup

Then you just need to write the query if you want to use standard type and then define input and output fields as map them respectively.

Cross-reference Lookup:

Cross-reference lookup is an advanced type of simple lookup where you can add up to 6 columns as references and 10000 rows of data.

The main advantage of cross-reference lookup is that it’s extensible so that we can update/add/delete any rows directly from the atom management which doesn’t need any re-deployment of the process.

Cross Reference lookup

This is how you can configure & use the different types of lookup functions based on the requirement.

Cover Image by benzoix on Freepik