Dynamic vs. Static Queries

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Dynamic vs. Static Queries

SOQL allows us to fetch data from a Salesforce org. There are two ways in which you can do that: 1) Dynamic queries, and 2) Static queries.


Dynamic Query

To make a query to the Salesforce database when the query differs based on certain conditions, we use dynamic SOQL queries.


List<sObject> sobjList = Database.query(string);


For Example,

String Field1 = ‘Id’;

String Field2 = ‘Name’;

String ObjectName = ‘Account’;

String query = ‘Select ’ + Field1 + ‘, ‘ + Field2 + ‘ From ‘ + ObjectName ;

// Actual query would look like [Select Id, Name From Account]

List<Account> accList = Database.query(query);



Static Query

To make a query to the database where only filters need to be dynamically assigned and the Object/Field names are going to be constant, we use static SOQL queries.


List<sObject> sobjList = [Select Id, Name From Sobject Where Name = :variable];


For Example,

String accName = ‘White Gloves’;

List<Account> accList =  [Select Id, Name From Sobject Where Name = :accName];



While a static query works in most use cases, there are some complex requirements that force you to use a Dynamic Query. However, a static query is always preferred as it is lightweight and more secure.

To learn more about SOQL and Salesforce, check out, “SOQL Injection and Prevention.”


Additional Resources:

Cover Photo by Oskar Yildiz on Unsplash

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