Boomi HTTP Client Connector

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Boomi HTTP Client Connector

What is HTTP?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a protocol designed for communication between web browsers and servers. HTTP follows a client-server model. While using the HTTP protocol the server does not keep any data (state) between two requests.

What is an HTTP client connector?

An HTTP Client Connector is used to exchange data over HTTP-enabled servers using either of the below protocols:

  • Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocols.

Essential characteristics of HTTP connector:

  • HTTP connectors cannot be used for real-time or event-based integrations as they cannot listen to outbound messages from another application.
  • HTTP connectors are used to send or retrieve data using HTTP or HTTPS protocol.
  • The HTTP Client connector is stateless. Each document is sent as an individual request in connector shapes and calls.

Like any other Boomi connector, you need the below two components to communicate to any HTTP server:

  1. HTTP Client Connection
  2. HTTP Client Operation

boomi http connector

HTTP Client Connection

The HTTP Client connection holds the information required to connect to your HTTP-enabled server.

The multiple Authentication options that Boomi provides to connect to your HTTP server are:

  • Basic
  • Password Digest
  • Custom
  • NTML Authentication
  • OAuth
  • OAuth 2.0
  • AWS Signature

http client connection

HTTP Client Operation

The HTTP Client operation determines how to interact with the HTTP site defined in the HTTP Client connection.

The operation supports two types of actions:

  • Get — Retrieves data from the HTTP-enabled server.
  • Send — Sends data to the HTTP-enabled server.

http client operation

Steps Involved:

  1. Select Request Profile Type: Describes the request profile type: None, XML, JSON
  2. Request Profile: Not mandatory for simple HTTP calls and provided only when Select Request Profile Type is XML or JSON.
  3. Select Response Profile Type: Describes the response profile type: None, XML, JSON
  4. Response Profile: Not mandatory for simple HTTP calls and provided only when Select Request Profile Type is XML or JSON.
  5. Content Type: Defines the type of file being transmitted: text/XML, text/plain, text/HTML, application/binary, application/EDIFACT, application/EDI-X12, application/XML, application/JSON, application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  6. HTTP Method: Depending on your need you can select the action you want to perform: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
  7. Return HTTP Errors: Stores the error that occurred during the connection call.
