Boomi NetSuite HTTP Connector

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Boomi NetSuite HTTP Connector


As you may get this doubt why we need an HTTP connector to connect to NetSuite when there is already an Out of the Box (OOTB) connector for NetSuite and even it is very easy to configure compared to this HTTP Connector configuration. The answer is there are some scenarios where we can’t use the NetSuite OOTB connector. One of the most common scenarios is when we need to connect NetSuite Restlets. Normal OOTB NetSuite connector doesn’t support connecting with Restlets as it supports directly for objects.

As you all know to configure this HTTP Connector, we need to configure two components. Those are:

  • HTTP Connection
  • HTTP Operation

HTTP Connection:

To configure this HTTP Connection, we need to get some details from the NetSuite team, which are called connection details like NetSuite Rest-let API URL, consumer key, consumer secret, access token, token secret, Realm (this is basically NetSuite account ID). You need to know that you need to save those connection details, especially tokens, keys, and secrets in a shared folder with your team internally or individually as it’s impossible to see/retrieve them for the second time even in the NetSuite also. The authentication type should be OAuth. Only you will see the rest of the fields mentioned above in this authentication. In the connection URL, we will pass only the base URL and for the rest of the URL which varies from API to API, we will pass that in the operation.

Boomi NetSuite HTTP Connection

HTTP Operation:

In this section/Component you need to pass/configure all the details like Request profile type, Response profile type, Content type, HTTP Method, and Request Headers. In the Resource Path section, you need to pass the add-on URL Specific to your process after the base URL which is common for all processes which use this endpoint.

Boomi NetSuite HTTP Operation

Once it’s configured save and close the component. This is how you need to configure and connect to the NetSuite Rest-let APIs using the HTTP Connector.

Additional Resources:

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