Boomi Deployment Rollback

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Boomi Deployment Rollback

Deployment Rollback

Often, a scenario might arise where you would need to undeploy / roll back your Boomi process. This article deals with how to Undeploy / Rollback Boomi process Deployment from any environment.

To undeploy / Rollback a Process performs the following steps:

  1. Go to the Deployment dropdown on your homepage and select Deployments
  2. Search for your specific integration on the Deployment page and then click on Undeploy or Rollback based on your requirement.

Deployment Rollback Options

To confirm the Process is Undeployed you could go to Atom Management and then Deployed Processes, you will not find the process you just undeployed

Does Boomi Retain Extension values if you Undeploy and then Redeploy the Process?

If you ever accidentally undeploy your Boomi Process and you forgot to store the extension values, don’t worry Boomi caches the extension values. To Check if Boomi retains the value in Environment Extensions after undeploying the Process, go through the Below example:

I created a Boomi Process and initialized three Process properties.

Sample Boomi Process

I then invoked the Process properties in a message shape and connected it to a Return Document

Deployment Rollback - Process properties

Then I performed the following three steps:

Step 1: Initially Values for the PP are: X, Y, and Z respectively.

Process Extensions

Upon executing the Process I get the following result from the Return Document shape:

Deployment Rollback - Process Reporting

Step 2: In the next step I changed the values of PP to a, b, c from X,Y,Z

Process Extensions - Modify values

Upon executing the Process I get the following result from the Return Document shape:

Process Reporting with modified values

Step3: In the next Step I undeployed the Boomi process and then redeployed the same package.

In Order to redeploy a Process, go to Packaged component, find the package for your Process and click on the Deploy button. Make sure to select the correct Package.

Deployment Rollback - Redeploy

Upon Redeploying the Process, I see that Boomi was able to retain the Extension values.

Process Extensions Old values retained

Additional resources:

Cover Image by DilokaStudio on Freepik