Boomi Dashboards

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Boomi Dashboards

Dashboards in Boomi:

The dashboard is a screen that shows all the stats related to the API such as Execution status, Summary of the executions, Average response time, etc.

There are 3 types of dashboards available in Boomi. Those are:

  1. Account Dashboard
  2. HTTP Dashboard
  3. Real-Time Dashboard

Boomi provides the account dashboard to all accounts irrespective of the services enabled whereas in order to access HTTP Dashboard and Real-Time Dashboard you must need to enable the services enablement feature in your account.

Boomi Dashboards Types

To access dashboards, you have to navigate to Services->Dashboard->Choose the required dashboard that you want to see here.

Let’s see about each dashboard in detail now below:

Account Dashboard:

Account Dashboard shows us the list of all offline atoms in the account, Process Errors, Throughput (GB/MB), pending executions, executions count (in thousands), and Documents count with a filter varying from min past 7 days to max past 1 year.

You can see all of the above data on the account level which means combined stats of all environments or you can choose a particular environment and see the stats.

Boomi Dashboards - Account

HTTP Status Dashboard:

This dashboard shows us the details of below two stats:

  1. Status Code Summary: This shows us the Summary of all status codes which are not in the success range (200-299) series.
  2. Status Codes by Time: This displays the number of status codes over a period of time.

Boomi Dashboards - HTTP

The status codes which are other than the success range (200-299) series are below:

  1. 1xx means Informational
  2. 3xx means redirection
  3. 4xx means client error
  4. 5xx means server Error

Real-time Dashboard:

With the filters on atoms/Environments, Processes, and over a period of time it shows the details of below things:

  1. Execution status by time: This displays the number of executions of each status type over a period of time.
  2. Execution status: This displays the number of executions of each status type.
  3. Average Response Time: This displays the average response time by the time of the request.
  4. Process Summary Report: This displays the processes executed along with the execution details. Click on a process to see the details broken down by status.

Cover Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash