Custom Field in Netsuite

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Custom Field in Netsuite

Steps to create Custom Field in NetSuite:

In this article, we will go through the steps to create a custom field in NetSuite that we might need in our Boomi Integration.

Prerequisite: You must have access to NetSuite.

  1. Once you log in to NetSuite, choose the required Object (like sales orders, customers, products, etc). here I go with Sales Orders as shown below. Custom Field in NS - Sales Orders
  2. Choose any one Sales Order record from the list. Click on the ‘customize’ button on the right top corner as shown below, Custom Field in NS - SO Record
  3. For adding Header Level fields choose ‘New body field’, for line level fields choose ‘New column field’. Here, I want to add a header level field so I clicked on ‘new body field’.
  4. Provide the required details for Label, ID, Description, and select Type from the drop-down menu as shown below, Custom Field in NS - Transaction
  5. In the ‘Applies To’ section, make sure you have selected the required object. In my case, my object is a Sales order, so I check marked ‘Sales’ and then hit the save button as shown below. Custom Field in NS - Select an Object
  6. It will create a new custom field in the respective ‘Sales Order’ record. Then go back to that ‘Sales order’ record, and check for the newly added custom field ’NSTEST_CUSTOMFIELD_C’ in the ‘Custom’ section as shown below. Custom Field in NS - Custom
  7. Steps to Update/reimport NetSuite profile to validate the ‘custom field’.
    1. Go to the respective process and go to the NetSuite operation. Select the ‘Import’ button at the top right corner as shown below,  Custom Field in NS - NS Operation
    2. Then provide the respective atom, connection, and object details and click ‘next’ as shown below. Custom Field in NS - Connection & Object
    3. It will ask you on importing the current object type, should import either the same object or a new object. Here, you can choose ‘Import the same object’ as shown below,                                     Custom Field in NS - Import
    4. Then click finish as shown below,                                     Custom Field in NS - Final Import
    5. You can verify the updated changes in NetSuite profile at the Map, where we are using respective NetSuite profile as shown below. Custom Field in NS - Map

Additional Resources:

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