LWC - Environment Setup

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LWC - Environment Setup

Lightning Web Components – Environment Setup

Regardless of your development process, you must establish an org, set up linting, and set up your code editor before you can see your lightning web component in action.

LWC - Code Editor
Image Source: LWC – Code Editor

Get a code editor installed

Use your preferred coding editor to create Lightning web components.

Because the Salesforce Extension Pack for Visual Studio Code offers strong tools for interacting with the Salesforce CLI, the Lightning Component framework, Apex, and Visualforce, Salesforce strongly advises utilizing it.

Install Visual Studio Code and the Salesforce Extension Pack if you decide to use the VS Code.

For code formatting, Salesforce also suggests Prettier. Prettier can be installed as an extension in VS Code.

The Salesforce Developer Console does not allow you to create Lightning web components.

Install linting

Before you compile, linting detects flaws in your code as you are editing. Linting is more than just a spell check; it guides you away from bad patterns and in the direction of good ones. To reduce programming errors in Lightning Web Components, Salesforce has developed linting rules.

If you’re using a Salesforce DX project, you don’t have to set up linting manually. For linting rules, there are three configuration levels. Look at the README for eslint-config-lwc and select the configuration that best suits your coding requirements.

Set up a Dev Org

Join a Developer Edition org. In scratch orgs and non-scratch org, you can create Lightning web components. Set up an org as a Dev Hub to start fresh orgs. A Scratch org is needed for local development.

Enable Debug Mode in Your Dev Org

Enable the debug mode in your org to make it simpler to debug JavaScript code. The framework JavaScript code is not minified while debug mode is enabled, making it simpler to read and troubleshoot. Additionally, several warnings and failures receive more thorough reporting when in debug mode.


In this way, we understood how to setup your environment for creating lightning web components. Installing linting and enabling debug mode helps in smooth development experience.

Additional Resources:

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