Enhanced Profile User Interface

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Enhanced Profile User Interface

In Salesforce, the Enhanced Profile User Interface is a new, streamlined view for users that are reviewing profile-specific information in Setup. In contrast, the legacy user interface for Profiles is essentially a long list of settings related to the selected profile.

Let’s navigate between the legacy Profile User Interface and the Enhanced Profile User Interface to see some of the differences.


Note: To follow along with the steps below, use or create a Playground from Salesforce Trailhead or a Developer Edition org.


Legacy Profile UI

  1. First, let’s confirm our org is using the legacy interface. Click the gear icon in the top, right corner to open the Setup menu.
  2. In the Quick Find search box, search for “User Management Settings” and click to open the selection.
  3. Make sure the Enhanced Profile User Interface is toggled to Disabled. Salesforce Disable Enhanced Profile User Interface
  4. In the Quick Find search box, search for “Profiles” and click to open the selection.
  5. Select the Custom: Sales Profile. Here, we can see that the profile settings page starts off with a list of Page Layouts for standard objects that the respective profile is assigned to. Salesforce Legacy UI
  6. As we scroll further down the page, we can see additional information such as: Tab Settings, General User Permissions, Standard Object Permissions, Session Settings, Password Policies, etc. In this view, it could be very easy to get lost and get stuck scrolling up and down repeatedly if you’re unfamiliar with the layout and the information. Salesforce Legacy UI Salesforce Legacy UI Session Settings


Let’s now enable the Enhanced Profile User Interface and look at some of the differences.


Enhanced Profile UI

  1. In the Quick Find search box, search for “User Management Settings” again and click to open the selection.
  2. This time, make sure the Enhanced Profile User Interface is toggled to Enabled.
  3. In the Quick Find search box, search for “Profiles” and click to open the selection.
  4. Select the Custom: Sales Profile. We can now see that the profile settings look much different with the enhanced user interface – we can’t see any long lists on the first page. Salesforce Enhanced Profile User Interface Apps SettingsSalesforce Enhanced Profile User Interface System Settings
    1. The information in the enhanced user interface is organized into two main sections: Apps and System.
  5. The page layout information that we initially viewed with the other layout is now located in the Object Settings in the Apps section. Click on Object Settings. Salesforce Profile Object Settings
  6. Here, we can see a concise list of object information that was spread across multiple lists in the legacy view – for example, the respective Page Layouts, Tab Settings, and Object Permissions for each object.
  7. As another comparison to the legacy user interface, we can see that the Session Settings and Password Policies are in their own sections in the enhanced user interface. Salesforce Profile Password Policies
  8. Click on Password Policies. We can see that the same information exists in this view. However, for some, it’s much easier to read since the page is less cluttered.  Salesforce Profile Password Policies 2


Some users may prefer the legacy profile user interface since a lot of information is displayed in a single place. However, other users may prefer the Enhanced Profile User Interface since information is sectioned and organized in a succinct manner.


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Cover Photo by Michael Henry on Unsplash

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