Troubleshooting Access Issues

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Troubleshooting Access Issues

In Salesforce, there are different settings/configurations that allow you to grant/revoke access from different users. For this article, we’ll consider the access for an Object in Salesforce and learn how to troubleshoot login and access-related issues.


Salesforce Login Issue Example

In this example, an administrator (Admin) has created a Custom Object named ‘Tax’ with a few fields like GST and Income. Joey is a Finance User with a Finance Profile.

Admin: Joey, I’ve created an object, please check if you can access and create Tax records in Salesforce.

Joey: I don’t see the tab to create a record.

Admin: Let me check


Then the admin checks for the tab permission on the Finance Profile. They find that the user already has access to the tab.

Then Joey checks Object Tax’s access on the Finance Profile and finds that the user doesn’t have access to the Object itself or has Read access.


Admin: (After giving object permission) Joey please check if you can access the tab now.


Additionally, Admins can log in as Joey’s User to check if his profile changes have worked.


Joey: Yes, I can create the records now, thanks.



Just like the above scene, most of the standard login and access-related troubleshooting is done in a similar way. In Salesforce, profiles are the main controlling factor that defines who can access what component/Field/Object/ApexClass etc. You can also log in as that user to check for yourself what the problem is or whether has it been fixed or not.


Check out my, “Salesforce Record Security” article for more information on security settings and record-access impact.


Additional Resources:

Cover Photo by regularguy.eth on Unsplash

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