How to Create a User in Salesforce

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How to Create a User in Salesforce

What is a User in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, a user is anyone who is able to log in to Salesforce, or who has credentials to log in to Salesforce. Below, we review the steps to create a new user in Salesforce.


Create a New User

First, go to the Setup menu and search for “User” in the Quick Find Box.

Then, click where it says “Users”:

Search Users Salesforce

When you click on “Users”, a page with the list of existing users displays.

Next, click the “New User” button in the center of the screen:

Create New User Salesforce

Once you click the button, a form-style page is displayed. Here, populate the necessary details for the user whose account you are creating in Salesforce.

Whenever you create a user in salesforce, make sure all the fields with a red line are complete. The red fields indicate that the field is mandatory. If the red-lined fields are not complete, you will not be able to save and create a new user in Salesforce.

The form-style page to populate the new user details looks like this:

Create New User Details

The page continues with additional details to populate:

Create New User Details 2

Once the new user details are complete, the page will look like this:

Complete Details

Completed Details 2

Finally, once you are sure that all the new user details are correct, click on the “Save” button.


Note: The total number of users that can be added to your org is determined by your Salesforce edition. Learn more about the different editions here: Salesforce Editions.


Additional Resources

Cover Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

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