Workato Deployment

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Workato Deployment

Workato Deployment

Import recipes and their dependencies into a Workato instance, this allows teams to maintain their integration recipes across different teams’ environments. In the recipe, the development lifecycle Package Import recipe package is the final step where finished recipes are deployed in a Workato instance. This allows teams to maintain their integration recipes across different teams’ environments.

The software lifecycle includes three different environments: a development, QA, and a production environment.

Workato SDLC

The Recipe Development lifecycle typically involves planning, testing, and deploying new Integrations. It Involves moving recipes from a development environment to a testing environment, or from a testing environment to a production/deployment environment.


In workato users can easily export and import their recipes as packages. These are the assets that can be exported:

  • Export-import Recipe in their chosen folder
  • Sub-folders and recipes in those sub-folders
  • Associated connections
  • Associated custom connectors (SDK connectors)

Import and export packages are useful when teams collaborate across different Workato accounts, for example, if the development team wishes to move recipes over to the QA team’s Workato account or the production Workato account. In workato, only certain Workato users have permission to use the Recipe lifecycle management feature enabled in their account.

If workato user accounts have the Recipe lifecycle management feature enabled, then users will be able to see the option when they select Tools > Recipe Lifecycle Management.

Workato Recipe lifecycle management

Export: Recipes Package and Dependencies

Users will create a distributable file to Export packages that contain related recipes and their dependencies. The export process in recipe lifecycle management typically happens after the development of a set of recipes and their related assets is completed or when a new change requires the recipes to be edited. In Workato, recipes, and their packages are exported in the form of a zip file.

Import: Deployment

First, you need a package containing exported assets import recipes, and dependencies into a Workato instance.

In the recipe development lifecycle Importing any package into a workato instance is the final step in this process where finished recipes are deployed into a Workato instance.

First, you choose the folder into which you want to import, that folder must already exist in your workato account. Follow the proper naming scheme of which folder should be used for import.



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