Reporting pt. 9: Report Chart Types Continued

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Reporting pt. 9: Report Chart Types Continued

In the previous post for this reporting series, we learned about 4 out of the 8 Report Chart Types in Salesforce. In addition, we also learned how to select different report charts and modify them to ensure our data is best represented with a complimentary chart. Today, we’ll continue learning about the remaining 4 Report Chart Types:

  • Funnel Charts
  • Scatter Charts
  • Stacked Bar Charts
  • Stacked Column Charts


What are the Chart Types? (Continued)

As a continuation of the previous post, let’s review the remaining Report Chart Types below.


5. Funnel Charts

Funnel Charts display an ordered set of multiple groupings. Use Funnel Charts to show the proportions of your ordered set of data.

Using the same values as the examples from the previous post, we can change the chart type from a Donut Chart to a Funnel Chart.

Funnel Chart


6. Scatter Charts

Scatter Charts display the summaries of one or two groups of data. If two summaries are not selected, one axis defaults to Record Count.

By adding Annual Revenue as a column in the underlying report outline, we can summarize the Annual Revenue by Average as well.


Now, we can select this summary information as an axis for the Scatter Chart to show the Average Amount by Opportunity Size compared to the Average Annual Revenue by Opportunity Size.

Scatter Chart


7. Stacked Bar Chart

Stacked Bar Charts display values on the horizontal, x-axis. Use the Stacked Bar Chart when a report has multiple groupings and we’d like to see the proportions between the groupings and the total itself.

In the pictured example, the Stacked Bar Chart for the ‘Open Opptys by Size’ report has been updated so that Opportunity Size is the first grouping (aka Group Row). The Opportunity Stage is the second grouping (aka Group Column). For this version of the report, we will keep the Amount summarized by average.


As a result, the Bar Chart displays the Average Amount by Opportunity Size and Stage.

Stacked Bar Chart


8. Stacked Column Charts

Stacked Column Charts display values on the vertical, y-axis. Use Stacked Column Charts when a report has multiple groupings and we’d like to see the proportions between the groupings and the total itself.

Using the same values as the example above, we can change the chart type to a Stacked Column Chart.

Stacked Column Chart

In addition, a useful tip to share with users, especially for charts with a lot of information or where values are not as easy to discern, is that users can hover over data points on report charts to see additional information.

Hover for Info

Hover for more Info



Concluding Report Chart Types

From the different chart examples, we can clearly see how different chart types can help us display our data in the most beneficial way. Furthermore, even small updates help display data in visually appealing ways while simultaneously helping users quickly understand the report information. Some small updates that may help provide a better visual context include modifying the data that’s displayed on each axis and modifying the chart colors, reference lines, legend position, etc.



Additional Information:

Cover Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

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