Boomi Notifications

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Boomi Notifications

Boomi Alerts & Notifications:

Boomi Alerts and Notifications are a set of services offered by Boomi to keep users notified of the happenings in the Boomi platform. It provides users with real-time notifications about changes to their Boomi account, such as errors in the process execution, atom start/stop information, and user-defined notifications when some actions have been performed.

User Notifications in Boomi:

User Notifications in Boomi are handled with Notify shape. This can be used to inform users of potential issues that may need attention, such as an issue with a process or an integration.

Boomi Notify Shape

Additional options for further customizations,

Boomi Notify Shape - Additional Options

Below are some of the logging methods that can be customized with Notify shape.

  • User Log.
  • Process Events.
  • Process log.

User Log:

When enabled, the user notification is written to the user log maintained under <atom_installation_dir>/logs folder corresponding to the process Id. The user logs are available only for local Atoms / Molecules. User logs are not accessible for the process that is running on Atom cloud.

Platform Events:

When enabled, this generates events during process execution that triggers Email alerts / RSS feed based on user subscription. This produces Event Type USER.NOTIFICATION.

Sample USER.NOTIFICATION email Alert.

Boomi Notify Shape - User Notification

This platform event can be subscribed using Atomsphere API – Event object. Each Platform event carries information like User-defined message, time, log level, and Process related details, etc.,

Process Log:

All Notifications are captured in the Process log by default, and they cannot be turned off. These Process logs are accessed from the Process reporting page.

Boomi Notify Shape - Process Log

Additional Options:

  • Log level – The log level defines how critical this notification is to the user. This is identified by Information, Warning, or Error
  • Write Once per execution – When this option is enabled, it ensures one logging is done irrespective of the number of documents that flow through the Notify shape.

Additional Resources:

  • Additional details regarding Boomi Email Alerts can be found here

Cover Image by mamewmy on Freepik