Item Fulfilment Integration

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Item Fulfilment Integration

Item Fulfilment Integration

In this article, we will go through the NetSuite Item Fulfilment Integration.

We will go through all the steps needed in Boomi to Implement Create Item Fulfilments in NetSuite.


There should be an existing Sales Order or Transfer Order in NetSuite corresponding to which you will create the Item Fulfilment

Source application should send the Order Internal Id/ Order Number/ any unique identifier for which we can find the corresponding Order in NetSuite

The source application should send the Item level details and the Quantity fulfilled.

How to send data to NetSuite:

Before you do the mapping, you need to import the NetSuite Profile. Based on the requirement you would do a Create/Update/Upsert to NetSuite. The recommended action for creating Item Fulfilment in NetSuite is Upsert.

The configurations could be as below:

NetSuite Connection - Operation

You need to specify the Action (Create/Update/Upsert) when you configure the connection:

NetSuite Connection Shape

Performing the Mapping

Once both the source and target profile are imported you need to start your mapping.

Drag the map shape from the shapes palette and choose the source and target profile.

Below is a snapshot of an example of the mapping fields needed in NetSuite:

NetSuite Mapping Fields

Following are key fields that you need to remember while mapping:

  1. External ID is mandatory to perform Upsert in NetSuite.
  2. When you are creating Item Fulfilments you need to pass the created from (internalid/externalid). This will be a link to the Sales Order or Transfer Order that you are creating the Item Fulfilment for.
  3. Any fulfilment has a Header and Line Item. To Create Item fulfilments, you must pass the order Line. If you are not getting the orderLine from a source you can use the initialize operation and pass the Internal Id of the SO/TO for which you are creating the fulfilment:

Initializing NetSuite

Item Fulfilment Integration - Mapping

The value of @type would be salesOrder or transferOrder

In the response, you would get all the details of the order including orderline which you could then store in the Document Cache.

  1. Along with the item you need to specify the Quantity fulfilled.
  2. Apart from this map all the other fields based on your requirement and make sure you map any mandatory fields that you have set up in NetSuite.

Additional Resources:

Cover Image by Lifestylememory on Freepik